Tech Procedure -
Euro Headlight with HID Installation
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Button the high beams back up by securing the wire tabs and putting
the door back on. Here is a blurry shot of the low beam casing with
the HID bulb in front.

Pull the yellow wire from the bulb and wrap it up. This is the low
beam power wire. If you were installing just the ellipsoids, you'd keep
this plugged into the bulb. Notice the 4 prong connector to the left
of the bulb?

As much as I hate having to take knives to my car, if you are installing
HIDs, you need to cut a hold in the low beam door to let the wires for
the HID bulb come out. I unfortunately don't have a drill but with some
muscle and a sharp knife I managed to make a small hole in the door
to let the wires come out.
Update 11/05/2001: I've put some silicon sealant
around the hole where the wires go into the back of the ellipsoids to
make it waterproof.

Before I plug the HID bulb into the outlet I wanted to clean if first.
These HID bulbs could burst if there is any finger oil or other crap
on them. I don't know who has touched them before I had them so I did
this as a precautionary measure. I used some rubbing alcohol and a q-tip.
I made sure that the q-tip didn't leave any fibers on the bulb. Close
that alcohol back up you huffer!

Insert the bulb, route the wires through the hole and close up the
low beam housing. I may get some silicon sealant to close up the hole.

Here is the harness connector socket and the rubber shield.. This is
the socket that connects to the round connector on the headlight unit
that I pointed out earlier. Notice the four holes in the harness connector
socket? If you look closely you'll notice that they are labeled 1 through

If I was installing just the ellipsoids, I'd cut both the high and
low beam connectors. However, since I am installing the HID kit, all
I need to do is cut off the high beam connectors. Don't cut too close
to the connector because you might need them again sometime, but don't
leave too much wire on the connectors because you will need some slack
to route them through the harness connector.

Strip about 1/4 inch of insulation from the wires and crimp on the
connector socket contact pins. They are barbed and will snap into the
harness connector. Insert them into the connector using the following
Hole 1 - Brown (ground) wire
Hole 2 - Gray (city) wire
Hole 3 - Yellow (low beam) wire
Hole 4 - Blue (high beam) wire
For my installation, I only needed to insert wires into hole 1 and
4. I'm not using the city lights because I'd eventual like to try to
put angel eyes into the headlight assemblies. Anyway, I'm not too impressed
with the city lights. Make you you near a nice little snap when you
insert the wires into the housing. The snap will let you know they are
inserted all the way in.

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