Tech Procedures -
Euro Headlight with HID Installation
Page 5
Here are some picture of the lights on.


Looks aggressive huh!

The pictures don't really give justice to how white the lights are
compared to the superwhite fogs. My old digital camera sucks!

Here are some pictures of the light pattern. My car is parked about
8 feet from the wall. Notice how they tilt up the right? There is a
fine cut-off of light when driving. If you drive past a house, you can
see the line where the light gets cut-off easily.

Another one:

Overall driving at night is very fun with these lights. Make sure you
aim them properly with the instructions on the previous page! Nothing
is more annoying than someone blinding you as they drive by! Don't be
that guy!
I'd like to credit my sources for giving me information on how to do
this installation: